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51 |
 | John William Martin
Owner of original: Nate Jones
52 |
 | John William Martin & Geneva Katherine White Martin
Owner of original: Nate Jones
53 |
 | John William Martin as a baby. Around 1919-1920. Its interesting that even as a baby he is playing with tools, because working with tools came to define him as who he was, through out his whole life!
Owner of original: Nate Jones
54 |
 | Julia Gatewood Martin
Owner of original: Nate Jones
55 |
 | Kip Jenison.jpg
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
56 |
 | Laura Anderson and her mom Rosa Nell McFarland ( Oscar F. McAnally's half sister Laura Anderson
Rosa Nell McFarland
57 |
 | Lelia Maureen ("Mugg")and Elwon Lee ("PeeWee") Botkin October 1989 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: Oct 1989
58 |
 | Lelia Maureen McAnally Monahans Jr. High School Photo 1942-1943 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1942
59 |
 | Lelia McAnally Batte from the "History of Milam County Texas" book cover
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
60 |
 | Lelia McAnally Batte China Doll Collection Photo taken inside "The Sycamores" home July 1956
Cameron, Texas
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: July 1956
Place: The Sycamores House
30.85939, -96.975884
61 |
 | Lelia McAnally Batte China Doll Collection-1 Photo taken inside "The Sycamores" home July 1956
Cameron, Texas
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: July 1956
62 |
 | Lelia McAnally Batte China Doll Collection-2 Photo taken inside "The Sycamores" home July 1956
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: July 1956
63 |
 | Lelia McAnally Batte China Doll Collection-3 Photo taken in the Cameron Museum, Cameron, Texas 1990
Historic photo of "The Sycamores" home is behind dolls
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1990
64 |
 | Lewis Sansom McAnally Early 1920's in Texas
Owner of original: Oscar J. McAnally
65 |
 | Lewis Sansom McAnally and his Mother Lillian Josephine Starr McAnally
66 |
 | Lewis Sansom McAnally approx. 6 years old
Date: 1926
67 |
 | Lillian Josephine Starr
Owner of original: Oscar J. McAnally
68 |
 | Lois (Kirkland) Jenison October 2008 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 05 Oct 2008
69 |
 | Lois (Kirkland) Titus 1982 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1982
70 |
 | Lois and "Kip" Jenison February 2006 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: February 2006
71 |
 | Lois Dema (Kitchen) McAnally 1963
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1963
72 |
 | Lois Dema (Kitchen) McAnally 1964
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1964
73 |
 | Lois Dema (Kitchen) McAnally and Mary Lois (McAnally) Kirkland 1971
Water Valley, Texas (near San Angelo) on the Kirkland ranch (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1971
74 |
 | Lois Dema Kitchen 1920's
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1920s
75 |
 | Lois Dema Kitchen McAnally, Mary Lois McAnally Kirkland, Lois Kirkland Titus, Michele Titus February 1969
Four generations (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1969
76 |
 | Lois Kirkland 1944 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1944
77 |
 | Los Hermanos Salas Olivas Edmundo, Jesus, Humberto, Ernesto, Emma and Alicia (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
78 |
 | Maria Gabriela McAnally and kids Maria Gabriela, Sofia Margarita and Armando Zurita (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Gabby McAnally
79 |
 | Maria Remedios Olivas
Owner of original: Gabriela McAnally
80 |
 | Martha Irene and Lewis Sansom McAnally During a Family Reunion in El Paso, Texas 1980's
Owner of original: Oscar J. McAnally
Date: 1980's
81 |
 | Martha Irene McAnally
Owner of original: Oscar J. McAnally
82 |
 | Martha Irene McAnally Salas and kids Salvador and Luis Fernando (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
83 |
 | Mary Lois (McAnally) Kirkland, Oscar Peeler "Dan" McAnally, and Lois Kirkland. Mary Lois (McAnally) Kirkland and her father, Oscar Peeler "Dan" McAnally, holding his first granddaughter, Lois Kirkland. (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1943
84 |
 | Mary Lois and D.G. Kirkland 1960's (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1960's
85 |
 | Mary Lois McAnally 1942 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1942
86 |
 | Mary Lois McAnally ("Miss Monahans") 1941-1942
Monahans, Texas beauty pageant winner (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1940's
Place: Monahans, Texas
31.627162, -103.11126
87 |
 | Mary Lois McAnally Kirkland and Billy Angelo McAnally 1998 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 1998
88 |
 | Mary Lois McAnally, Maureen (Mugg) McAnally and "PeeWee" Botkin 2007 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: 2007
89 |
 | McAnally children in river near Cameron, TX (Left to right) Lelia Evangeline McAnally--reclining on riverbank (age 18); Maureine McAnally, 2nd from left of riverbank back row w/coveralls (age 11); Oscar Peeler (Dan) McAnally, 5th from riverbank--shortest in back row (age 7). Front row, in front of Maureine (also wearing coveralls) Dwight McAnally (age 5); Isaac was 2.5, his head is visible…
Owner of original: Raymond Keller III
Date: 1905
90 |
 | Michele and David Hernandez (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
91 |
 | Michele Leanne Titus Hernandez (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Lois Jenison
Date: October 2006
92 |
 | Nathan David Jones Nate Jones & his son Noah.
Owner of original: Nate Jones
93 |
 | Nathan David Jones Nate Jones and his son Noah.
Owner of original: Nate Jones
94 |
 | Nathan David Jones Nate Jones
Owner of original: Nate Jones
95 |
 | Nathan David Jones Nate Jones
Owner of original: Nate Jones
96 |
 | Odd Fellows Home and School for Orphans, Corsicana, Texas (1910) Maureene Stuart, Oscar Peeler, Dwight H. and Isaac McAnally were sent to this Orphanage (06 Sep 1906) after the death of Ida McAnally (02 Jul 1906)
97 |
 | Oscar Fides McAnally
98 |
 | Oscar Jesus McAnally and Martha Patricia Garcia Religious Catholic Wedding in Torreon Coahuila, Mexico 26 Jul 1985 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Oscar J. McAnally
Date: 26 Jul 1985
99 |
 | Oscar McAnally, Lois Kirkland and Kip Jenison San Antonio, TX. Reunion 06 Nov 2008 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Oscar J. McAnally
Date: 07 Nov 2008
100 |
 | Oscar McAnally, Lois Kirkland and Raymond Keller First McAnally Family Reunion in San Antonio, TX 06 Nov 2008 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Oscar J. McAnally
Date: 06 Nov 2008